Special Funds

What are Special Funds?

Money designed to support innovative projects and purchase teaching tools that engage students and bring lessons to life.

How do I request one?

Complete and submit this form.

When do I learn if the request was granted?

The PTSA reviews requests at their monthly Officer meetings, which are held in the middle of the month. Soon afterwards, the Secretary (Charleen Cody) responds to requests, letting the requestor know if the PTSA is funding in full, in part, or not at all.

What factors are taken into consideration?

  • Amount requested

  • Number of students who would benefit

  • Number of years item can be used

  • Whether the money would fund a standard or novel experience

  • Whether the group is willing to help fund

  • How broadly the item/event impacts students (one group vs. multiple groups) 

  • Whether the PTSA already funded the group this year

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

– William Butler Yeats

In the 2023-24 school year, the PTSA has been thrilled to support:

  • An Honors English class field trip to see Much Ado About Nothing at UNC Playmakers so students could see Shakespeare’s play come alive.

  • A subscription to Gimkit Pro to assist with students’ review and understanding.

  • Supplies for EC classrooms:

    • Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary series to improve reading and writing.

    • Geography puzzles, flash cards, word games, and a board game to build long term memory skills and promote collaborative efforts.

    • Activity Centers from Teachers Pay Teachers to enrich the curriculum.

  • An Astronomy class field trip to Morehead Planetarium at UNC.

  • Model UN training for the new Model UN group.

  • Classroom supplies for World Language students.

  • Novels for the English Department (Night, A Doll’s House, The Great Gatsby, and Glass Castle) because the classes were larger than expected.

  • Equipment for the new Robotics Club.

  • Microphone headsets for the Performing Arts Foundation.